1. To inspect not less than (once) a year, all premises licensed for manufacture of drugs within the area allotted to him and to satisfy himself that the conditions of the licence and provisions of the Act and Rules there under are being observed
2. In the case of establishments licensed to manufacture products specified in Schedules C and C(l) to inspect the plant and the process of manufacture, the means employed for standardizing and testing the drug ( or cosmetics), the methods and place of storage, the technical qualifications of the staff employed and all details of location, construction and administration of the establishment likely to affect the potency or purity of the product.
3. To send forthwith to the controlling authority after each inspection a detailed report indicating the conditions of the license and provisions of the Act and Rules there under which are being observed and the conditions and Provisions, If any, which are not being observed:
4. To take Sample of the drugs (or cosmetics) manufactured on the premises and send them for test or analysis in accordance with these Rules.
5. To Institute prosecutions in respect of breaches of the Act and Rules there under.
2. Assistant Controller Drugs:
The Assistant Controller Drugs have been appointed as Licensing Authority as per statutory qualifications laid down in the Act and re-produced hereunder for perusal:
He is a graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or in Medicine with specialization in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a University established in India by law and.
He has experience in the manufacture or testing of drugs or enforcement of the provision of the Act for minimum period of five years
Besides, being licensing authorities the ACDs are performing duties as mentioned under Drug Inspectors Sr.No: 1,2,3.
The ACDs have been entrusted with additional assignment of enforcement of the: Cigarettes & Other Tobacco Products,(Prohibition of Advertisement & Regulation of Trade and Commerce, production, Supply and Distribution) Act,2003
3. Assistant Drug Analyst:
To carry out testing of statutory drug samples but only these Assistant Drug Analysts who fulfill qualifications as provided under Rule 44 of the Drugs & Cosmetics Rules 1945 can be notified as Government Analyst under part V of the Act and can perform duties under Rules 45 of the said Act.
4. Deputy Controller, Drugs & Food:
Divisional Administrative Heads;
Licensing Authorities possessing statutory qualifications under the Act for licensing of whole sale establishments under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules there under.
Local Food Health Authority
Liaison officers to monitor activities under Cigarettes & Other Tobacco Products,(Prohibition of Advertisement & Regulation of Trade and Commerce, production, Supply and Distribution) Act,2003
5. Drug Analysts:
Head of Drug testing Laboratories, Jammu/Srinagar
6. Controller, Drugs & Food:
State Administrative Head of the Department
Licensing Authority of Drug Manufacturing Establishments with mandatory statutory qualification as laid down in the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940
State Food Health Authority
Member Secretary state level Apex Committee constituted for implementation of Cigarettes & Other Tobacco Products,(Prohibition of Advertisement & Regulation of Trade and Commerce, production, Supply and Distribution) Act,2003.
Ex-offico President J&K Pharmacy council.
The job profile of statutory functionaries under the prevention of food adulteration act is as follows:
Job profile of Food Inspector:-
A) To inspect as frequently as may be prescribed by the Food (Health) Authority or the local Authority all establishments licensed for the manufacture, storage or sale of an article of food within the area assigned to him.
B) To satisfy himself that the conditions of the licenses are been observed.
C) To procure and send for analysis if necessary, samples of any articles of food which he has reasons to suspect are being manufactured, stocked or sold or exhibited for sale in contravention of the provisions of the Act, or the rules framed thereunder.
D) To investigate any complaint which may be made to him in writing in respect of any contravention of the provisions of the Act, or rules framed there under.
E) To maintain a record of all inspections made and action taken by him in the performance of his duties, including the taking of samples and the seizure of stocks, and to submit copies of such records to the Health Officer or the Food (Health) Authority as directed in this behalf.
F) To make such enquires and inspections as may be necessary to detect the manufacture, storage or sale of articles of food in contravention of the Act or Rules framed there under.. To stop any vehicle suspected to contain any food intended for sale or delivery for human consumption.
H) When so authorized by the Health Officer, having jurisdiction in the local area concerned or the food (health) authority to detain imported packages which he has reasons to suspect contain food, the import or sale of which is prohibited.
I) To perform such other duties, as may be entrusted to him by the Health Officer, having jurisdiction in the local area concerned or the food (health) authority.
Job profile of Public Analyst:
Divisional head of Food Testing laboratory Jammu/Kashmir
Are carrying out statutory provision of testing of food articles.
Attend V.V.I.P duties during their visit in sate as well as V.I.P of the state.
Carrying out testing of informal samples of consumers/ CAPD Dep’t./Police Dep’t./Public/F.I. etc.